June 20th marks World Refugee Day in the world, when the international community celebrates the stories, contribution and bravery of people who have suffered immensely but still have a progressive view on life. The latest UNHCR figures show that over 68.5 million people have been forcibly...
Migration and Refugees
After the Prophet Muhammad(saw), Hadhrat Umar(ra) was the second Khalifa of Islam. This is the story of his conversion. Also how Hadhrat Hamzah(ra), the...
Start of Chapter VII from The Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophets(saw). When the persecution by the Quraish began exceeding all bounds, the Muslims...
Recalling the blessed by Divine help migration from Rabwah to London in April 1984.
A Recommendation of how immigrants should conduct themselves in a new country.
Important Evidence Afforded by the Flight
The Flight