The injustice, inequality and disorder seen in the world today have all surfaced as a result of mankind’s estrangement from God Almighty. Re-establishing this...
Law and Human Rights
Religious Freedom in Indonesia Under Siege
The intense opposition to the Holy Prophet(saw) of Islam, and to Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), the Promised Messiah led to the defeat of the opponents.
The Holy Qur’an and interview with Dr. Terry Jones
Should American Muslims be loyal to America?
An in-depth exposition in which the author argues that the true and peaceful teachings of Islam must be drawn from the Qur’an and Muslim scriptures rather than...
In response to the terrorist attacks that took place at two Ahmadi Muslim mosques in Lahore on 28 May 2010.
Vice-Chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group, UK, on the violence against Ahmadiyya Muslim worshippers and their mosques in Lahore, Pakistan.
‘Religion Drips With Blood’ – the bloodstained history of ‘religion’ is at odds with the true essence of God’s message.
The Acts endorsed by the Government of Pakistan that have denied basic Human Rights and openly allows persecution against the Ahmadiyya Muslim community to...
To what extent does Islam permit freedom of expression and freedom of speech?
A philosophical discourse on the essence of religion.
As a practising Catholic with a Degree in Religious Studies I would like to draw your attention to the morally obnoxious belief held by Conservative...
Explaining what Islam actually stands for and dispelling some commonly held myths about Muslims.
The multi-faceted personality and character of the Holy Founder of Islam sets an excellent example for all of us.