Introducing a new feature in which we highlight the writings of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas an various topics. This month, we feature his...
Law and Human Rights
In this response to an editorial published by then-President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistani politicians and intelligentsia to truly examine...
Atheists allege that religious parents who bring up their children in the same faith are “brainwashing” their
offspring. But is this really the case?
Presenting the second part of a Harvard lecture in which advocate Mujeeb ur Rahman discusses the erosion of the rights of Ahmadis in Pakistan.
Khilafat (or Caliphate) is a word that instils great fear amongst many non-Muslims. Are these fears justified? Or is there a Caliphate that exists today that...
Friday Sermon delivered on 21st September 2012 from the Baitul Futuh Mosque, London.
Free Speech and Islam: Dialogue or Dissension?
A Leader of Love
The debate on freedom of speech has been reignited after new cartoons are published.
When the initial schemes of the Quraish to try to hinder the progress of the Muslims failed, they intensified their persecution to unimaginable proportions.
Start of Chapter VII from The Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophets(saw). When the persecution by the Quraish began exceeding all bounds, the Muslims...
How is ‘freedom of speech’ defined according to Human Rights law? How should a Muslim, according to the Sharia, react to the publishing of derogatory cartoons...
Both the universe and everything within it have been created with flawless harmony and perfect equilibrium. Attempts to break this balance, whether by making...
An account of the horrific acts of violence and torture perpetrated by the Makkans upon the Muslims in the early days of Islam, and how the Muslims endured...
An in-depth look at the early opposition by the powerful tribes of Makkah against the Prophet(saw) to try and hinder his message at all costs.