© Shutterstock Shahzad Ahmed, London, UK Seldom has there been a story of rags to riches the likes of which was witnessed in the plains of the Arabian desert, where Bedouin leaders who once lived a tribal lifestyle suddenly became royals, ruling over kingdoms and emirates. With a...
The Review of Religions brings you a special and faith-inspiring series as it delves into the world of prophecies.
An account of the prayer duel between Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian and John Alexander Dowie
By Tariq Mahmood – Canada We all enjoy a good story. Whether it’s around a campfire or in a good book, our brains are primed to consume information as a...
By Farrukh Tahir – Canada To Ahmadi Muslims around the world, the city of Zion, Illinois is a familiar place, but many of its own inhabitants are unaware...
©Shutterstock Shahzad Ahmed, London, UK Among the countless signs which demonstrate the truthfulness of the prophets of God has been the fulfilment of...
©Shutterstock On 20th February 1886, God Almighty bestowed the Promised Messiah (as) with the following prophecy: ‘I confer upon you a sign of My mercy...
In 1938, the installation of a loud speaker at a mosque in Qadian was the beginning of a glorious prophecy as the word of Islam began to spread across the...
On 20th February 1886, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community made a magnificent prophecy for the truthfulness of Islam and the Holy Prophetsa.
The Promised Messiahas & Imam Mahdi (Guided One) Founder of THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas Earthquakes are a sign from God. Here...
Special address in Tokyo by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V(aba) in November 2015.
The Promised Messiahas & Imam Mahdi (Guided One) Founder of THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas We present extracts from the writings of...
The Review of Religions’ NOVEMBER 2013 EDITION: The Promised Messiah’sas Prophecy “Calamity of Damascus” In His...
Could the precarious situation in Syria lead to a global conflict?
What would potentially happen should a nuclear war break out?