Rebuttals by the Promised Messiah (as) against attacks on Islam by Christian missionaries.
Tag - God – His Unity
Clear arguments in support of the Qur'an's perfection and its superiority due to the quantum of its contents.
A compelling argument that Thomas Jefferson negated belief in the divinity of Jesus (as) and affirmed the unity of God. Was he influenced by the Holy Qur'an?
Nearness to God can be attained through prayer and supplication. Help provided by God to those who supplicate is proof of the existence of a Living God.
Prophet Moses(as), a truly great Messenger of God who safely took the people of Israel from the cruel rule of the Pharaoh to freedom.
The Patriarch Prophet Abraham(as) whose progenies include Judaic prophets and Jesus(as) and the Ishmaelite branch left an indelible imprint on the future of...
How adopting the attributes of God improve a man spiritually and result in a closer bond between man and God.
The Holy Prophet( s a ) is the most of revered of prophets. When we follow him we get closer to Allah.
On the Unity of God and the need to abstain from associating partners with God: The domain of the Creator and the created are separate. Associating partners...
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V draws attention to the importance of both progressing spiritually and doing good works: we should always be inclined towards...
A study into the true nature of the ‘Arsh, the seat of Allah on the Throne of the Universe.
The connotation of this title has been proved by many scholars to be not meaning the literal son of God but of Jesus’s closesness to God.
The author discusses the different means by which one can prove the existence of God and reject the conclusion of atheists.
Some of the unique features of Islam ranging from the unity of God, prophethood, the Holy Qur’an, rights of women and life after death that attracted the...
Describes many of the attributes of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and their permanent nature.
A look at the teachings of Hinduism and related Prophet Krishna.
A personal view on the recent ordination of homosexual bishops in the Anglican church.
A critical review of Trinity from a philosophical and historical perspective.
BEAUTY OF THE HOLY QURAN (F. M. Quraishy) The Holy Quran is the very Word of God, revealed through the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him), as was foretold...
Seeking God (Mushtaq Ahmad Bajwa) “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth” (24:36), says the Holy Ouran. Everyone who is not blind sees...
Son of God (B. M. Mirza, Ph.D.) The phrase son of God is used in numerous places in the Bible. Usually, it applies to one whose office specially represents God...
MARCH 1985 FROM WRITINGS OF HAZRAT AHMAD 5 moon and numberless stars and the earth and thousands of bounties contained therein out of His pure grace, without...
MARCH 1985 THE NEED OF THE HOLY QURAN 9 From Our Archives: THE NEED OF THE HOLY QURAN By Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad The Promised Messiah (Reprinted from the...
44 THE REVIEW OF-RELIGIONS FEBRUARY 1985 vengeance lay heavy on the conscience of the pagan Arabs. Vengeance with them was, as R.A. Nicholson puts it...
The Claims of Bahaulla
The Word of God, The Spirit of God, Mediator, ...
Being the substance of a speech delivered by the Promised Messiah on the 26th December 1906 at an Annual Gathering of the Sadr Anjuman-i-Ahmadiyya Qadian
Reply to the Allegations of Edward Sell on Islam
Reply of Allegations on Islam