Just a few examples of the unparalleled compassion that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) had for his Ummah (Nation).
Tag - Islam – Ummah
Commentary of Verse 5 of Sūrah al-Falaq from The Holy Quran.
© Shutterstock Our Holy Master and Benefactor’s prayers were so extensive that there was not even a moment devoid of them. He prayed for those of his followers...
@shutterstock On receiving the good news the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) would immediately prostrate and offer a sajdah [prostrations] of...
In the Holy Qur’an, God Almighty has promised that it is He alone Who appoints a Caliph for those who believe and do good works.
A series of questions and answer on the subject of Khilafat in Islam.
Non-Ahmadi Muslims who want a British elect leader to be the voice of Muslims should see how Khilafat that has existed in Ahmadiyyat for almost a 100 years can...
A person finds true happiness when he realises that God alone is his Protector and Provider. Wordly respect and greatness follows those who serve the true...
Acceptance of the Promised Messiah (as).
JANUARY 1985 ISLAMIZATION OF SUDAN 39 Current Topics: ISLAMIZATION OF SUDAN By Dr. Syed Barakat Ahmad The Sudan is partly Muslim, partly Christian and partly...