What is the real meaning of the Arabic word 'salla'? Why is it being misinterpreted by those with an agenda?
Facts From Fiction
The true story which dismantles the false allegation levelled against the Holy Prophet (sa) regarding the 600 Jews of Madinah
Contrary to what was asserted by Christians and Muslims on the PBD Podcast, Islam does not impose the death penalty for apostasy.
Uncovering the misconceptions about the descent of Jesus a topic which is widely misunderstood in the Muslim ummah
A response to Adnan Rashid's allegations levelled against the writings of the Promised Messiah (as)
A response to baseless and false allegations levelled by Dr Yasir Qadhi against the Ahmadiyyat Muslim Community and its founder
What does Islam say about the treatment of animals? The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) always taught to show compassion
Some people still await the second coming of Jesus, to them we say "the wait must stop!" because the Messiah has come.
Understanding why, in an era where veganism is on the rise, Muslims sacrifice animals to commemorate the occasion of Eid al-Adha
Analysing the sacrifices made by Abraham and his family according to the accounts given by the sacred texts of Christianity and Islam
There was a celebration of Eid in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the portrayal in Ms. Marvel didn't capture the true essence of Eid
What does it mean when God states that the Holy Qur'an was revealed during the month of Ramadan?
Distinguishing Facts from Fiction - contrary to allegations, Ahmadi Muslims do believe in the finality of prophethood
Amidst a divided Muslim world, the Ahmadiyya Community embodies unity, and fulfils a statement made by the Holy Prophet (sa).
As a ‘Point of Theology’ the Muslim Council of Britain Doesn’t Understand the Definition of a Muslim
In an interview on LBC, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain misrepresented the teachings of Islam and Ahmadiyyat