The Promised Messiahas & Imam Mahdi (Guided One) Founder of THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas The role of governments is integral in...
Tag - NP – Victoria
A vision to host interfaith conferences.
The impact of the recent anti-Islamic film on YouTube rippled across the globe.
The Basis for the Promised Messiah(as)’s Praise
Gratitude to God, Queen and Country
The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community wrote extensively to Queen Victoria during her Diamond Jubilee. Selected extracts from the newly translated book.
Looking at the two gifts sent by the Promised Messiah(as) to Queen Victoria
Islam – the religion that preaches peace, tolerance, and love for all mankind.
‘I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the world.’ This was one of the earliest revelations received by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad( a s ), a person hardly...