After moving from Indonesia to the USA, Khalida Jamilah discovers that Ahmadiyyat is the answer to her identity crisis.
Tag - Rights – Freedom of Thought
Friday Sermon delivered on 21st September 2012 from the Baitul Futuh Mosque, London.
To what extent does Islam permit freedom of expression and freedom of speech?
The multi-faceted personality and character of the Holy Founder of Islam sets an excellent example for all of us.
Islam possesses a dynamic character. Muslims are duty bound to seek to persuade others about the truth of Islam and of the beneficent values it advocates. This...
The donning of the veil does not deprive Muslim women of their rights and elevated status.
The Afghan government released Abdul Rahman, a 41 year old man who converted 16 years ago to Christianity. In 1990, Mr. Rahman left Afghanistan and started to...
An address by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V – Islam is a religion of tolerance and allows freedom of belief and expression of opinion.
An extract from Murder in the Name of Islam. The punishment for apostacy is of medieval Christian origin that Maududi borrowed and made Islam a mouse-trap.
Lecture delivered byHazrat Khalifatul Masih W, Head of the Ahmadiyya Community in Islam on February 24, 1990, at the Queen Elizbeth II Conference Centre...