After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Faihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and the expeditions he sent to combat the rebels.

Expedition Sent Under Leadership of Hazrat Khalid bin Sa’eed (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that the seventh expedition was sent under the leadership of Hazrat Khalid bin Sa’eed bin Aas (ra). He was among the foremost people to accept Islam. It is recorded by some that he was the third or fourth person to accept Islam while others say he was the fifth. He had a dream in which his father was pushing him towards a fire, whereas the Holy Prophet (sa) was holding him back, saving him from falling into the fire. When he related this dream to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), he told him that Allah desired to save him. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalid (ra) went to the Holy Prophet (sa) and asked what it was that he called towards. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that he called towards God, Who is One without any partner, that Muhammad (sa) is His messenger, and to abandon the worship of statues which can neither harm or benefit. Upon this, Hazrat Khalid (ra) accepted Islam, and the Holy Prophet (sa) was very pleased.
His Holiness (aba) said that when Hazrat Khalid’s (ra) father learned of his conversion, he sent his other sons to find him. When they found him, they took him back to their father who severely beat him and scolded him. Despite this, Hazrat Khalid (ra) remained resolute. When his father threatened him saying that he would no longer provide sustenance for him, he replied by saying that even if he did so, God would procure the means of sustaining his life.
His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Khalid’s (ra) father was among prominent people of Makkah and would severely torment Muslims. Once he fell ill and said that if ever he was cured from his illness, he would ensure that the Muslims were never able to worship in Makkah again. When Hazrat Khalid (ra) learned of this he prayed for his father never to be cured, and it was in this illness that his father passed away.
His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Khalid (ra) was among those who migrated to Abyssinia. He would go on to take part in certain battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa). He always expressed regret over the fact that he wasn’t able to take part in the Battle of Badr. Hazrat Khalid (ra) has also been recorded by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra) as being among those companions who would record the revelations received by the Holy Prophet (sa).
His Holiness (aba) said that during the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), Hazrat Khalid (ra) was appointed as the leader of various armies. It is recorded that he was martyred in the Battle of Marj al-Safar. He was also appointed as the leader of a battalion sent to combat the rebellion being raised in Taimah. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) sent him with the instruction not to move from his place and to invite neighbouring tribes to come and meet him. When the Romans learned of this great army’s arrival, they prepared an army to fight. Hazrat Khalid (ra) informed Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) who responded by saying not to worry and that he should tread forward. Hazrat Khalid (ra) did just that, as a result of which the opposing army dispersed.
Expedition Sent Under Leadership of Hazrat Turaifah bin Hajiz (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that the eighth expedition was under the leadership of Hazrat Turaifah bin Hajiz who was sent to combat the rebellion being raised by the Banu Sulaim and Banu Hawazin. He was a devout worker and a powerful speaker. After the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa) although some from this tribe became rebels, there were others who remained steadfast upon Islam. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) wrote to the Banu Sulaim saying that those who were still steadfast upon Islam should go an join Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (ra) in his expedition towards Tulaiha.
His Holiness (aba) said that upon learning of some of the heinous deeds committed by the rebels of Banu Sulaim, especially a person named Fuja’ah, he ordered him to either kill them or capture them and bring them to him. When Fuja’ah was brought to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), he ordered for him to receive the same treatment which he had mercilessly inflicted upon Muslims.
Expedition Sent Under Leadership of Hazrat Ala bin Hadrami (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that the ninth expedition was under the leadership of Hazrat Ala bin Hadrami (ra) who was sent to combat the rebellion being raised in Bahrain. Hazrat Ala (ra) was among the foremost people to accept Islam. When the Holy Prophet (sa) sent letters to various kings inviting them to Islam, Hazrat Ala (ra) was entrusted to convey the letter addressed to the king of Bahrain. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet (sa) appointed him as the governor of Bahrain, a post in which he served until the Holy Prophet’s (sa) demise and continued to serve until his demise in the era of Hazrat Umar’s (ra) Caliphate. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) states that he was quite influenced by Hazrat Ala (ra) and his incidents of the acceptance of prayer.
His Holiness (aba) said that after the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa), the leader of Bahrain also passed away a few days later, after which rebellion arose. Hazrat Jarut (ra), who was also from Bahrain and had been in Madinah learning about Islam, gathered all those who were raising rebellion and explained to them that just as previous prophets had passed away, so too did the Holy Prophet (sa), and then professed that there is not god but Allah and that Muhammad (sa) was His Messenger. Upon this, they too affirmed their faith in Islam. There were still other tribes within Bahrain who continued their rebellion. When Chosroes learned of this rebellion, he communicated with the rebels who requested him to send them a leader. Chosroes thus appointed Munzir bin Nu’man, who was still very young, and gave him a crown among other things and sent him to Bahrain. Thus, a battle ensued between those who remained steadfast upon Islam and those who maintained their rebellion. This battle continued for a few days and was fierce. Initially the Muslims faced great difficulty and near defeat. Upon learning of this, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) appointed Hazrat Ala (ra) to provide support and lead an army to end the rebellion which was being raised. As Hazrat Ala’s (ra) army approached, they lost their riding animals in the desert. Hazrat Ala (ra) reassured them that they had no need to worry, for they were Muslims and God would support them, even if their condition seemed dire. Hazrat Ala (ra) prayed a great deal as a result of which a spring of water came about in a place where there was no water, and by the next morning, their riding animals came running back and they found all their belongings still intact.
His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Ala (ra) relayed these incidents to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) in a letter. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) prayed and thanked God.
His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue relating these incidents in future sermons.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions
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