RoR Women’s Team
The second day of Jalsa Salana is eagerly anticipated by many women, not only by those who attend the Jalsa physically but also by those who are watching remotely. On this special day, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), the Fifth Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, delivers an address directly from the ladies’ section of Jalsa Salana, focusing on topics that are related to women. After this awe-inspiring speech, is time for the Tarana [choral poem], sung by women, for women, the melody capturing everyone’s attention and raising enlightened passion in them to sing along.
The Tarana is sung by Lajna (members of the Ahmadiyya Women’s Auxiliary) as well as Nasirat (girls aged between 7-14 years). Each year, the host country presents different verses relevant to their country and those that represent the many nationalities and languages that make up this international, temporary city. The Tarana is composed specially for this eagerly anticipated day and practised and rehearsed over and over again until perfected.
After the conclusion of the silent prayer led by His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), the words echoed through the hall, ‘Asalamo Alaikum Pyaare Huzoor‘, (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, Your Holiness) breaks the silence.
Coordinated by Humma Noor ul Huda of Germany, 60 women and girls began the Tarana with the well-known ‘Hai Daste Qibla Numa’ (well-known Urdu verses penned by the Second Caliph, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra)), in a melodious voice followed by a Tarana in Urdu glorifying God. Arabic couplets were then recited from the Qaseedah (Arabic poem) by the Promised Messiah (as), followed by Ghanain, Turkish, and Urdu couplets related to Lajna and Ahmadiyyat. Macedonian, Portuguese, Persian, Gambian and German verses were also recited and separated by verses in Urdu about Lajna fulfilling their responsibilities in Tabligh [propagation]. The last Tarana consisted of moving couplets and prayers for the martyrs of Burkina Faso. A powerful and emotional conclusion. The Tarana was completed by slogans raised for Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the Aisha Academy- the community’s educational institution for women.
The choral happiness ended with the famous sung rendition of the Kalimah (Islamic creed) – which echoed throughout the hall. No matter their race or nationality, all women attending eagerly joined in to mark the end of the session. It was safe to say that the Tarana left people with a sense of joy and motivation, uniting Lajna across the world, and reminding them that they are united under the umbrella of Khilafat.
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