Mosques have been portrayed as breeding grounds for extremism and disorder. The reality however is the complete opposite.
Play a Part in The Review of Religions.
True Islam
A short but in-depth biography on the first Imam of the first mosque in London, who played a key role in convincing Muhammad Ali Jinnah to return to India from...
An account of the destruction met by peoples of the past who rejected Messengers sent to them and arguing that only Ahmadiyyat provides the means of protection...
First ever visit by any Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community to the Shroud of Turin featuring the discussion between His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor...
With the Muslim world in utter disarray, the Promised Messiah(as) invites Muslims to join him in his divinely appointed mission for the victory of Islam.
A detailed account of how the formation of a separate organisation solely for women in the Ahmadiyya Muslim community came about.
An extract from an important book of the Promised Messiah(as), in which he sets out his teachings.
Address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V at a VIP reception for local dignatories following the inauguration of the mosque in Bradford, UK.
Address from the USA Jalsa 2008. Being in charge of the training ground of the children, a woman has a very high status in Islam. Ahmadi women should be ready...
Final address from the USA Jalsa 2008 in which Hudhur reminds the audience to fulfill theirpledge and to remain loyal to Khilafat. What is faith? What are...
Inaugural address from the Nigeria Jalsa 2008. Attaining nearness to Allah by truthfulness, fulfilling covenants etc.
Final address from the Ghana Jalsa 2008 in which Hudhur reminds the audience to focus upon improving the condition of the soul, and to focus upon spiritual...
Khilafat in Ahmadiyyat is evidence of Divine support.