Is there a difference between hope and optimism? Join us as we explore the most interesting ideas from other magazines.
Concepts and Beliefs
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), Second Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Translated into English by Nooruddeen Jahangeer Khan for...
Found in one form or another, fasting is a ritual common to most major religions. Explore this ancient discipline from the lens of various religious faiths and...
What is the true significance of the return of Jesusas?
In-depth analysis explaining why the Trinity is an entirely mistaken conception that neither the Old nor New Testament support.
Has not the time of the last calamity, which was destined for the latter days of Islam, arrived? Can anyone prove from the Holy Qur’an and Hadith that a time...
A study of the Bible provides ample evidence that Jesus(as) was a Prophet exclusively to the People of Israel, proves that the concept of the Trinity is only a...
Biblical language and terms prove that Jesus(as) is considered by the Bible a Prophet only, and not the literal son of God. Also, explaining the status of...
Various religions present different ways of attaining salvation from sins, but which path truly leads to salvation?
This article explores the prediction of John the Baptist(as) that there would be a prophet after him who would baptise with the Holy Spirit, and analyses the...
Keynote address from the International Conference held in London in 1978 on ‘Deliverance of Jesus from the Cross’ proving that Jesus(as) survived the...
A fascinating analysis of how the train, camels, Galileo, Hubble’s Law, and Einstein help demonstrate the presence of a Supreme Being.
Examining how Islam, Christianity and Judaism interpret the events of the Crucifixion of Jesus(as).
History, geopolitical economics and religious eschatology come together in this study of how mankind, ignoring warnings from the past, is dangerously moving...
Continuation of a lecture from the archives on the truth of prophets and the need of the reformer of the age.