"From that day onward, I clearly understood the subject of the existence of Allah and nothing has shaken my unwavering belief that there is a God."
Tag - State – Ghana
An Ahmadi Muslim describes his feelings and emotions upon attending the 2024 Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Ghana.
An Ahmadi Muslim expresses his heartfelt devotion to the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya in the form of a poem.
Concluding Address by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) at Jalsa Salana [Annual Convention] Ghana 2024
Which religions are practised by the people of Ghana? How well do members of these various faith coexist? Can unity be found in diversity?
Younger members of Ghana's Ahmadiyya Muslim Community provide water to guests and visitors during the Annual Convention.
What were conditions like for Ghana's early Ahmadis? How have things progressed since then? Does the past hold lessons for the future?
The story of a Mechanical Engineer from Uganda, who left his well paying job in order to fulfil a promise he made to God
How did the flower of Ahmadiyya first take root in Ghana? Who were the original pioneers that first spread the blessings of True Islam there?
How do Ahmadi schools contribute to the harmonious social fabric of Ghanaian society? What can other schools learn from the Ahmadiyya model?
Hassan Wahab reflects on how Eid al-Adha is celebrated in Ghana, what a typical Eid day looks like and how it differed this year due to Covid restrictions.
A profound analysis of how African countries can perpetually preserve their freedoms, and an intriguing glimpse at the services of the Ahmadiyya Muslim...
Internal conflicts must be avoided.
Inaugural address from the Ghana Jalsa 2008 in which Hudhur outlines the responsibilities of the people of Africa and their emerging opportunities.
Final address from the Ghana Jalsa 2008 in which Hudhur reminds the audience to focus upon improving the condition of the soul, and to focus upon spiritual...
A personal recollection of the devoted service in Ghana.
Narrating the blessed return to Ghana after election as Khalifatul Masih V.
A paper presented at a workshop on regional issues and challenges of reconciliation in West Africa.
The importance of understanding the fundamentals of religion to dispel superstition and appreciate the true meaning of accountability.
The two religious communities must appreciate what values they have achieved in the area of inter-religious harmony, mutual respect and co-operation and hold...
11 AHMADIYYAT IN GHANA (Maulvi Abdul Wahab Adam) Islam inculcates love of one’s country. The Holy Prophet of Islam, on whom be peace and blessings of...
AHMADIYYA CENTENNIAL CONGRATULATIONS (We produce some messages of congratulations from prominent personh’ties on the occasion of the Annual Conference of...
19 HISTORY OF AHMADIYYAT IN NIGERIA (AHMAD OLAYIWOLA JEGEDE) THE NAME AHMADIYYAT Before going into details of this vast topic, it is necessary to know what is...
36 CONTRIBUTION BY THE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM MISSION TOWARDS HEALTH CARE IN GHANA (Dr. Mohammad Bin Ibrahim, Medical Officer, Akrofuom) In the field of health, the...
Address at Annual Conference in UK in July 1986