The Promised Messiah (as) explains why it is wrong for Muslims to give precedence to the Hadith over the Holy Qur’an.
Tag - Islam – Hadith
© Shutterstock In kindness to close relatives, the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (sa) own example was perfect. At the time of the first revelation, Hazrat Khadijah...
©Shutterstock Whatever of good comes to thee is from Allah; and whatever of evil befalls thee is from thyself. And We have sent thee as a Messenger to mankind...
© Shutterstock The Review of Religions is honoured to present the first ever full English translation of the commentary of Sūrah al-Falaq, Chapter 113 of the...
On 11th September 2022, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad...
Are abortions and birth control allowed in Islam? Here's a detailed look into Islam's teachings on abortion and birth control
His Holiness, the Fifth Caliph presents nine evils and how to avoid them in order to achieve moral and spiritual excellence
A detailed study and explanation of Islam's philosophy on punishments in instances of fornication, rape and false accusations
A summary of the Review of Religions April 1921 issue, which included articles 'Causes of Dissension among the Early Muslims' and 'How to Obtain Peace of Mind'.
Admiral William H. McRaven writes of principles that can better one's life. Islam taught these same life changing priciples 1400 years ago.
An exploration into the Islamic jurisprudence that there is no death penalty for apostasy in Islam, evidenced by Islam's primary sources.
A comprehensive review of the various forms of Islamic evidence and jurisprudence which show that Islam does not prescribe the death penalty for apostasy.
And who eschew the more grievous sins and indecencies, and, when they are wroth, they forgive. ISLAM, THE HOLY QURA’N, 42:38 Hasten to make peace with one...
Thy Lord has commanded, ‘Worship none but Him, and show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with thee, never say unto them any...
By Mansoor Ahmad Clarke ‘Friday afternoon demonstrated both the very best of humanity and the very worst,’ wrote the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, in...
MUSLIM DEFENDS ISLAM ACROSS AMERICA Amazingly 60% of Americans have never spoken to a Muslim about Islam. With the backdrop of violence and terrorism...
Hadith on Fasting Abu Hurairara related that the Holy Prophetsa said,“Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a...
Hadith on Fasting Abu Hurairara related that the Holy Prophetsa said,“Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a...
Keynote address at the 13th Annual Peace Symposium.
To what extent does Islam permit freedom of expression and freedom of speech?
His Traditions and Practice compared.
A glance at the life of the most famous compiler of the sayings and practical Traditions of the Holy Prophet(saw).
The elevated position of the Holy Qur’an compared to the Sunnah (practical example) and Hadith (narratives and sayings of the Holy Prophet(saw))
This article analyses conflicting reports surrounding Hadhrat ‘A'ishah’s age at the time of her marriage to the Holy Prophet(saw).
How the traditions of Islam have been misinterpreted to suggest that Islam prescribes death penalty for apostasy.
14 MUSLIM ANECDOTES (Qazi Muhammad Barakatullah) 1. The Holy Prophet was ill during his last days on earth. He addressed his companions and said: “If I...
SOURCES OF SIRAT (4) (Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad) BOOKS ON HADITH The literature on traditions is divisible into three great classes: (1) Al-Hadith, or what may...
SOURCES OF SIRAT (2) .(Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad) EARLY ISLAMIC TRADITIONS Next to the Quran are those traditions which, whether theological, exegetical or...