The Promised Messiah (as) & Imam Mahdi (Guided One), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)
A person must not lose hope. Determination is also a high moral quality and a believer is characterised by high resolve. One ought to always be ready to serve and support the faith, and should never show cowardice, for cowardice is the mark of a hypocrite. A believer is gallant and courageous, but courage does not imply that they lack good judgement. Any action done without appropriate consideration of the prevailing circumstances is recklessness.
A believer is free from haste. In fact, a believer remains prepared to serve the faith with immense sagacity and forbearance, and is never cowardly. Sometimes a person will act in a manner that displeases God Almighty and thereby arouses His indignation.
For example, if a person shoves away a beggar, this is harsh behaviour, which results in the displeasure of God Almighty. In turn, such a one becomes deprived of the opportunity to give something to the beggar. However, if a person acts in a gentle and noble manner, and even if he gives the beggar a cup of water, this results in a removal of the spiritual contraction of the heart (qabz). [1]
- Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), Malfuzat-Volume 2 (Tilford, Surrey: Islam International Publications Ltd., 2019), 15.
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