Nughza Tul Zahra, France

Long before my acceptance and conversion to the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat, in 2014, we had been longing, yearning and praying to have a child. It all started in the first mulaqat (private audience) in March 2014 with Huzoor (His Holiness) (aba) that we asked for prayers, that may Allah bless us with a healthy progeny. Indeed Huzoor (aba) prayed for us and asked us to send him the complete medical report. It was certainly a new journey of Ahmadiyyat; I was discovering and experiencing new blessings each day. The fact that Huzoor (aba) himself asked for the reports was like a fresh breeze, which bought hope for us after dark days, as we had tried all we could from homeopathy to allopathy; from herbal medication to Ayurvedic treatments, but all was in vain.
We were really fortunate to have travelled to the UK from France numerous times for mulaqat with Huzoor (aba). In every sitting Huzoor (aba) would inquire himself, with such consideration, about the ongoing treatments and the homeopathy medications that he had prescribed. I remember once Huzoor (aba) said to me that ‘It is only Allah’s fazal (blessings) that cures, not any medicine’. I felt, that up until then, medicines and treatments were a sort of hidden shirk (association of partners with God) inside me, which Huzoor (aba) broke that day. Alhumdulliah (all praise belongs to Allah).
There was an immense growing pressure from my non-Ahmadi parents who wanted me to ask for prayers from their peer (spiritual leader) and see him in person in the UK, otherwise, according to them, I won’t have a child. They even bought me some taweez (an inscribed text to wear as a necklace) from the peer, so that his prayers may ‘reside with me.’ Alhamdolillah we returned them to my parents with the power of faith that our beloved Khalifa (Caliph) (aba) had given us.
I recall telling Huzoor (aba) about this and he said, ‘Salat is the best wazeefa (practice) and the path to gain Allah’s nearness.’ Huzoor further said, ‘Tell them it is only Allah who bestows.’ Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest). In every sentence or word Huzoor utters, he teaches us the Unity of Allah. We stayed steadfast in this trial and tribulation, praying to Him.
Six months before my pregnancy, in one of our mulaqats, I requested Huzoor (aba) to grant us permission to adopt a child, as the doctors were not so hopeful. At that very instant, I saw a bright glow on Huzoor’s (aba) face, and he said in a glorified voice ‘Allah Fazal Karey Ga’ (Allah will bestow His blessings). That was the time when my feelings of fear and despair changed into hope and content.
Soon after, in March of 2017, we were travelling to the UK for another mulaqat with Huzoor (aba). While in the ferry, I got an email from my gynecologist saying that my test results were positive. This news was least expected. This is how Allah gives when He wants. We were on cloud nine after reading it. Our hearts filled with gratitude for Allah and thinking that Huzoor (aba) would be the first one to know Insh’Allah (God-Willing). But deep inside we were also scared because of my previous miscarriages and medical history. Huzoor (aba), like a concerned, compassionate, spiritual father sensed this in the mulaqat; that we were happy yet frightened at the same time. At that moment in the mulaqat, Huzoor (aba) reassured us and told us not to worry. Like a caring doctor, he asked my husband to bring him the next report and scan of fourteen weeks. I felt, once more, my fears turning into peace and darkness converting to light.
Throughout my pregnancy, I was so blessed to have met Huzoor (aba) multiple times. He would ask about the minutest details with such care that perhaps would not be shown by any ordinary father. He even worried about me not drinking milk, to which I replied, ‘I cannot because of nausea,’ and he replied ‘Try drinking lassi (curd milk) sip by sip.’
Who else on earth worries about the well-being of his spiritual children in this way? He made sure everything was taken care of, from my iron levels to bed rest. A routine exam during my sixth month of pregnancy revealed critically low levels of iron in my blood that could have resulted in severe complications in my pregnancy, for which doctors prescribed immediate iron injections. Upon telling this to Huzoor (aba), he strictly instructed me not to take the injections and instead prescribed a homeopathic medicine. Miraculously, within two weeks of taking the prescribed medicine from Huzoor (aba), the iron levels in my blood returned to normal, which left my doctors in utter shock. This is the blessing of Khilafat. Alhamdulillah.
I still ask myself how a man, who leads such a big spiritual community, could care about a tiny creature like me? How can a person be so selfless and sacrifice his time, his sleep and worries about us? We, the Ahmadiyya Jama’at (community), are the wealthiest living beings on earth, as we have Khilafat; such wealth that cannot simply be bought. Whilst we sleep peacefully in our beds, this man of God prostates in front of his Lord, for us. Khilafat is a gift, which Allah gives you when you take Bai’at (pledge of allegiance) of the Promised Messiah (as). How unfortunate would we be if, even while knowing that we have a fountain of sweet water to quench our thirst, we don’t drink from it? We have a true leader at the helm to who turns to God alone, thus keeping the beacon of Khilafat lit.
By Allah’s grace and mercy, I gave birth to a healthy Waqf e Nau (a child devoted to the service of Ahmadiyyat before birth) boy in December of 2017, after seven years of marriage. It was miraculous how smoothly everything went under the blessed prayers of Khilafat.
We were yet again so fortunate to receive a call from the Private Secretary a few days after birth, who said that Huzoor (aba) will speak to you. Our hearts skipped, and Huzoor (aba) spoke to us, Huzoor (aba) asked, ’How are you and the baby doing?’ I replied, we are fine. He said, ‘Recover and we will meet soon.’ And so we met Huzoor (aba), but this time with our son, Sauban Ahmed. I recall my husband saying to Huzoor (aba) that Sauban is a fruit of your prayers, to which Huzoor (aba) instantly said ‘Nahi, Yeh Mehaz Allah Ka Fazal Hai’ (No, this is only the Grace of God). We were once again astounded by his humility because in our hearts we knew how much he had prayed for Sauban.
That day I gave away my fears to the light of faith that Khilafat instilled in me – that Allah is All-Powerful and He does what He wills. He is our beacon of light, who enlightens our dark, frozen hearts by awakening belief within us. People ask what is true Ahmadiyyat and why have you accepted it? I respond that it’s the power of Khilafat, after the Promised Messiah (as), established by Allah, that fears are turned into peace and a person is brought from darkness to light. It is through Khilafat, in this age, that we recognize the true living God. May Allah always strengthen the hand of our Khalifa. Ameen!
Jazakoumoullah for this article. Very touching. Indeed there is no one like our Khalifa. We are ever so grateful to Allah Almighty who made us Ahmadis. May we always hold on tight to the rope of Khilafat. Khilafat Zindabad!!