Immediately, our hearts were filled with prayers and deep concern for Huzur’s health. I was translating Huzur’s sermon live when I heard.
Tag - Our Khalifa
Personal incidents of experiencing the truth in the words of the Caliphs - His Holiness, Mirza Nasir Ahmad (rh), His Holiness, Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh) and His...
An incident of experiencing the spiritual light of Khilafat bestowed by God.
A faith-inspiring incident shows how Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya has been blessed with sight beyond the eyes by God Almighty.
On Father's Day, Asif Arif shares how he found a father in His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba).
While visiting Palestine, an Imam shares, with the Sunni Muslims he meets, incidents of how God speaks to the Caliphs of Ahmadiyyat.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad is a loving, caring, compassionate Khalifa, who is more of a father than all the fathers in the world combined.
Tahir Mahmood, Canada I have always wanted to meet beloved Huzoor (aba), ever since I was young. Seeing that we lived in Pakistan, I used to think of how we...
M. Isabel Losa, London It was early June of 2013. Almost seven years ago now, but I remember it like it was yesterday; fresh and vivid in my mind. Since the...
Nughza Tul Zahra, France Long before my acceptance and conversion to the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat, in 2014, we had been longing, yearning and praying to have a...
Adam Abid Alexander, Canada After being introduced to the Ahmadiyya Community I was shown pictures of the Promised Messiah (as) and of those Khulafa (Caliphs)...
Berevan Saeed, Norway I am from Kurdistan of Iraq, and currently reside in Norway. I was born to a Sunni Muslim family. In April 2011, I pledged allegiance to...
Farhat Mahmood, UK It has been more than a year since last year’s Eid-ul-Fitr. By this time last year, the Fifth Caliph, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor...
Reem Shraiky, UK I say with certainty that every Muslim on earth has wished that he had lived at the time of the Messenger of Allah (sa) and of his noble...