Translated from Urdu by Ayyaz Mahmood Khan
A very important aspect of the life of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), the Promised Messiah(as), the Imam of the Age and Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, relates to his unparalleled and boundless love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw). This aspect of his life is vitally important, because in this age many Muslims believe that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), God forbid, profusely insulted the Holy Prophet(saw). Some allege that the Promised Messiah(as) changed the Muslim creed (i.e. “there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger”) to include his own name, ‘Ahmad’ rather than ‘Muhammad’ (the Promised Messiah(as) professed only the genuine Muslim creed and true Islam taught by the Holy Prophet(saw) himself, and acted upon it more than any other Muslim). Some Muslims even claim that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) stated he was greater than the Holy Prophet(saw). A cursory scan of anti-Ahmadi websites reveals false statements against the Promised Messiah(as), for his alleged defamation of the character of the Holy Prophet(saw).
It is vital to rebut the senseless propaganda spread by those who try to discredit Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) in this manner, because such allegations are completely bogus and entirely contradictory to the facts.
The Promised Messiah(as) possessed such immense love for his Master, the Seal of the Prophets, the Beloved of Allah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw), that no one in history since the Holy Prophet(saw)’s demise has possessed so much love for the Holy Prophet(saw), and to express it in words is almost impossible.
The Promised Messiah’s love for the Holy Prophet(saw) was like food for his soul, and every single moment of his life was spent in this very love and perfect obedience and submission to him. It was merely through this submission and obedience to the Holy Prophet(saw) that Allah conferred Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) the titles of Messiah and Mahdi, whose advent had been prophesied by the Holy Prophet(saw) himself.
The different ways in which he would express his love are so abundant that to encompass every aspect is impossible. The life of the Promised Messiah(as) was so full of the examples of true love, just as the sky is full of stars. The difficulty is finding the words to do justice to this love.
Life of Love and Devotion
The true sign of a lover is that he is willing to die and sacrifice everything for the sake of his beloved. This desire and true heartfelt wish was found in the Promised Messiah(as), with such intensity, that its example can be found nowhere else. After his love for Allah the Exalted, the most shining characteristic of his life was love and devotion to the Holy Prophet(saw). The desire to sacrifice himself for his beloved and the extent of his devotion to him had reached their pinnacle in the life of this true lover.
The ardour to sacrifice himself for the religion brought by his beloved Muhammad(saw) would come from the depths of his heart in the form of a prayer:
“May my heart be sacrificed for the sake of Muhammad(saw)’s religion; This is the desire of my heart. O, if only I could attain this purpose.”
This feeling of devotion was not confined to a mere desire. The entire life of the Promised Messiah(as), each and every moment, and every ounce of his strength and faculty, was devoted to the service of the religion – Islam, brought by this Master Prophet(saw). The entire life of the Promised Messiah(as) was spent in a state of Jihad, or striving in the cause of Islam. He states himself:
‘By the grace of my noble master, I have been endowed with such a loving soul, that despite the bearing of pain, I would continue serving this religion. And in reality, a delightful and blessed life is one which is spent in the service and propagation of the Divine religion.’ (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 5, pp.35-36)
It is this very blessed life which the Promised Messiah(as) was granted. The Promised Messiah(as) made heart-felt supplications for the rejuvenation and superiority of Islam. He fought a four-sided war with the enemies of Islam. He did such justice to his Jihad of the pen, that at every front he thwarted all attacks of the enemies of Islam, and with the succour of the holy spirit, Islam was granted dominance and victory in every field. How beautifully the Promised Messiah(as) has stated:
‘We destroyed the enemy ranks with our argumentation;
We performed the work of the sword with our pen.’
The literature that has been compiled in the form of Ruhani Khaza’in or ‘The Spiritual Treasure,’ contains the collection of all the books written by the Promised Messiah(as), which number more than 80. It is a living testimony to this devoted Jihad. It is for this reason that upon his demise, the opponents of Ahmadiyyat remembered him as a triumphant general of Islam.
The life of the Promised Messiah(as) was replete with the service of Islam. This was so due to his true love for the Holy Prophet(saw), and the magnitude of his feelings for Islam. The Promised Messiah(as) was publicly condemned and edicts (fatwas) of disbelief (kufr) were put upon him. All kinds of persecution were afflicted upon him, but due to his love for Prophet Muhammad(saw), this true lover endured all of this, and his devotion to the cause of Islam did not diminish in the least. He stated:
‘We effaced our being in your love;
We spent every particle of our body in your way.’
If this life of the Promised Messiah(as), full of service to Islam, is not a clear manifestation of his love for the Holy Prophet(saw), then what is?
Everything associated with the Holy Prophet(saw) was loved by the Promised Messiah(as)
Another sign of a true lover is that he “sells” himself, as it were, for the sake of his beloved and sacrifices everything belonging to him for his sake. He even begins to love those things associated with his beloved. Let us cast a glance upon the life of the Promised Messiah(as) in this regard.
The Promised Messiah(as) states in a persian couplet:
‘My life and my heart, everything is but a sacrifice for the beauty of my beloved Muhammad(saw); I am as if, the dust of the alley of Muhammad(saw)’
The Promised Messiah(as) displayed immense love for the progeny of the Holy Prophet(saw).
Hadhrat Dr Syed Abdus Sattar(ra) performed the Bai’at (initiation) in 1901, and entered the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He narrates that on one occasion, when the Promised Messiah(as) was lying on his charpai (bed made of straw) in his garden. I was also sitting there on the ground with some others. Suddenly, the Promised Messiah(as) spotted him and said: “Dr Sahib! Please come and sit with me on my charpai.” He responded: “I feel embarrassed that I should sit with Hadhrat Sahib” (i.e. the Promised Messiah(as)). The Promised Messiah(as) asked him again to come and sit with him, but Dr Sattar respectfully said: “it is quite alright Hudhur, I am fine here.” But Hudhur (i.e the Promised Messiah(as)) repeated this a third time and especially said; “please come and sit with me on my charpai, because you are a Syed (i.e., from the children of the Holy Prophet(saw)), and it is my duty to respect you”.
With regards to the Promised Messiah(as)’s love for the children of the Holy Prophet(saw), Hadhrat Sayyeda Nawwab Mubarakah Begum Sahiba(ra) narrates that the Promised Messiah(as) was lying in his garden on his charpai. It was the month of Muharram. The Promised Messiah(as) was reminded of the painful occurrence at Karbala. The Promised Messiah(as)’s love for the Holy Prophet(saw) and his children began to flow forth. He called his two younger sons. In order to remember his beloved master and teach his children about love for the children of Muhammad(saw) he said: “come children, I shall tell you about the story of Muharram”. The Promised Messiah(as) then painfully narrated the instances relating to the martyrdom of Hadhrat Imam Hussain(ra), whilst tears flowed from his eyes. A strange state had overtaken the Promised Messiah(as). His heart was in extreme anguish over the thought of the painful martyrdom of the grandson of the Holy Prophet(saw). The Promised Messiah(as) expressed the feelings of his heart in a very painful manner in the following words:
‘The filthy Yazid perpetrated such cruelty upon the grandson of our beloved Holy Prophet(saw). But Allah also took hold of these tyrants very quickly and punished them.’
This account from the domestic life of the Promised Messiah(as) is a shining testimony to his extensive love for the Holy Prophet(saw).
It has become a superficial technique in poetry to express love with the streets in which the beloved one of a lover walks and lives. But if you wish to see a true and sincere example of this, then let us look at a Persian couplet of the Promised Messiah(as):
‘My beloved! If in your alley the heads of your lovers were being cut off; the first man to announce his love for you would be myself.’ (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.5, p.658)
Witness the intense love of the Promised Messiah(as) from this couplet, such that he could not bear to remain apart from his beloved for even a moment’s time. He says:
‘My heart is but a sacrifice for every land upon which you have stepped; O! If only I was born in your blessed homeland.’
An Endless Ocean
The feelings and emotions which the Promised Messiah(as) expressed with regards to his master and beloved, Muhammad(saw) is an endless ocean. It can be stated with full conviction and belief that the love the Promised Messiah(as) has expressed for his beloved master, and the manner in which he had annihilated himself in his love, is such that its like cannot be found in the entire history of Islam. It can be confidently said that the love this true lover the Promised Messiah(as) , has expressed for his master is such that it is unprecedented and unparalleled in every respect.
Every word of the writings of the Promised Messiah(as) possesses the fragrance of this love. His every action reflects the beauty of Muhammad(saw). There are such beautiful examples of love which can be seen in his life, which amaze one so, that one questions, is it possible for someone to feel love to such a degree? His every thought revolved around his beloved. He was free from limitations of body and time, and his soul moved towards his beloved master announcing:
‘My body is craving to fly towards you due to my enormous longing for you;
I wish I actually had the capacity and power to fly.’
In Light of his Writings
The writings of a person are a perfect reflection of his thoughts and heartfelt feelings. The writings of the Promised Messiah(as) with regards to his love for the Holy Prophet(saw) are like a garden with hundreds of flowers. Which quotations should I present, and which should I find the courage to leave out?
I present only two examples from the soul-nourishing and spiritually insightful writings of the Promised Messiah(as):
That light of high degree that was bestowed on the perfect many was not in angels, was not in stars, was not in the moon, was not in the sun, was not in the oceans and the rivers, was not in rubies, emeralds, sapphires, or pearls; in short, it was not in any earthly or heavenly object. It was only in the perfect man whose highest and loftiest and most perfect example was our lord and master, the Chief of the Prophets, the Chief of all living ones, Muhammad, the chosen one, [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him]. (A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.5, pp.160)
Have you any notion what was that strange event that occurred in the wasteland of Arabia when hundreds of thousands of the dead were revived within a few days, and those who had been misguided through generations exhibited a Divine complexion, and those who were blind began to see, and those who had been dumb began to utter words of Divine wisdom, and the world underwent a revolution which no eye had seen before and no ear had heard. Do you know how all this came about? It was the supplications during dark nights of one who had lost himself in God, which caused a revolution in the world and showed such wonders as could never have been expected from that unlettered and helpless one [the Holy Prophet(saw)]. Invoke Thy blessings and peace O Allah on him and his people, according to the amount of pain and anguish he felt for his ummah, and pour down upon him the light of Thy mercy forever.” (Blessings of Prayer, pp.10-11)
His Poetry
If one reads his poetry, it can be seen that every single verse was satiated in the love of the Holy Prophet(saw). They are verses from the depths of his heart and full of devotion. The Promised Messiah(as) states:
‘He is our leader, who is the source of all light;
His name is Muhammad(saw), he alone is my beloved.’
Then, he addresses his true beloved in the following words:
‘O My beloved, I swear by your oneness,
We have lost ourselves in your love.
My every particle is satiated with your love,
We have as if populated an entire city in our heart.’
The Persian poetry of the Promised Messiah(as) is also full of extra-ordinary love. One witnesses new and unprecedented kinds of expression. The Promised Messiah(as) states:
‘I do not know the name of any other teacher; for the acquisition of spiritual insight, I have only studied in the school of Muhammad(saw).
I do not know of any man, in both worlds; who possesses greater magnificence and grandeur than that of Muhammad(saw).
There is a flowing ocean of love for the Holy Prophet in my heart; He is such that there is no one like him in perfection and qualities.
After God I am inebriated with the love of Muhammad(saw); if this be infidelity, then by God I am a great infidel.’
This verse is indeed a unique verse in its expression of love and devotion.
Also, if one casts a glance upon his Arabic poetry, such a distinct example of love and devotion can be found. He wrote an ode consisting of 70 verses which is an unparalleled masterpiece. I present the translation of some of these Arabic verses which demonstrate the Promised Messiah(as)’s immense love for the Holy Prophet(saw).
‘If water was as sweet as honey in its taste; By God, the ocean of Muhammad(saw) would be far greater in its sweetness!’
Then, he states:
‘That due to my immense love and devotion, I shall spiritually enter the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw); But O Ye enemies of guidance! You have no idea of this secret.’
Testimony of his Unprecedented Love
Love is something that cannot remain hidden. Everyone can see and feel it. The true love which the Promised Messiah(as) had for his beloved master is something the entire world has witnessed. His followers testified to it as did others.
Referring to the heavenly people, the Promised Messiah(as) states:
‘Once I received a revelation, which meant, spiritually speaking, as if the people of heaven were in a dispute, meaning, the will of Allah to revive religion was in full force, but as of yet, the selection of that person who was to revive the faith had not yet become clear to the people of heaven and for this reason they were in decline. One man came before this humble one and pointed, saying: ‘This is the man who loves the Messenger of Allah,” and this statement meant that the greatest condition for this spiritual office was love of the Holy Prophet(saw), and that I fulfilled that condition.’ (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, part 4, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.1, p.598)
There is a statement of Babu Muhammad Uthman Likhnawi, that he went to Qadian in 1918 and met a Hindu, Lala Badhu Mal, or perhaps Lala Malawamal, who is often referred to in the books of the Promised Messiah(as). He asked him if he had seen the Promised Messiah(as) in his early days, and what he thought of him. That Hindu responded; “to this day I have yet to find a single Muslim who loves his prophet to such an extent”. (Siratul Mahdi, part 3, p.19)
A famous writer ‘Allamah Niyaz Ahmad Khan Niyaz Fatah Puri admits with regards to the Promised Messiah’s love for the Holy Prophet(saw):
‘He was a lover of the Prophet in letter and spirit.’ (Nigar, July 1960, quoted in Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, vol.3, p.580)
The testimony of another famous writer Mirza Farhatullah Baig, is also worthy of mention. He says that my uncle Mirza Inayatullah Baig, told me that whenever I go to visit Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib, I should pay close attention to his eyes. He writes, that he went to Qadian and closely observed his eyes, and it seemed as if a kind of green water was circulating in them. When he came back and mentioned this to his uncle he said to him, “look here Farhat, never utter a bad word about this man. He is a true lover of the Holy Prophet(saw). He continued, I asked my uncle, how did you deduce this fact? He said that a true lover of the Holy Prophet(saw) who constantly remains engaged in his remembrance, his eyes take on a tint of green. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyya, vol.3, pp.579-580)
With regards to the Promised Messiah(as)’s love for the Holy Prophet(saw), the Promised Messiah(as)’s son Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) said:
‘I must die one day. I say on oath calling to witness my heavenly master that I have never once seen that upon the mention of the Holy Prophet(saw) rather, even upon the mention of his name, the eyes of the Promised Messiah(as) did not glitter with tears. Every single particle of the Promised Messiah(as), and his mind and soul was completely satiated in the love of his master, the Holy Prophet(saw).’ (Hayyat-e-Tayyebah, p.27)
Hadhrat Dr Mir Muhammad Ismael(ra) mentions that:
‘I swear by God…that I have never seen anyone more engulfed with the love of Allah, the Messenger of Allah(saw), than the Promised Messiah(as).’ (Siratul Mahdi, vol.3, p.308)
Remembering his beloved, day and night
One sign of true love is that a true lover always remains engaged in the remembrance of the one he loved. This was true of the Promised Messiah(as). Constantly remembering his beloved was nourishment for the Promised Messiah(saw)’s soul. Moreover, invoking blessings and salutations upon his master and speaking about him was the Promised Messiah’s occupation, day and night. What a beautiful picture has the Promised Messiah painted in this poetic verse:
‘Remembrance of Muhammad Mustafa(saw) is the soul of my heart, and speaking of the Holy Prophet is like food for my body, without which I cannot remain alive.’
This very emotion has also been expressed in an Urdu couplet of the Promised Messiah(as):
‘My soul has a forever-lasting connection with that of Muhammad(saw);
I have made my heart drink this goblet of love.’
With regards to Durud Sharif, or sending salutations upon the Holy Prophet(saw), the Promised Messiah(as) describes one of his experiences in the following words:
‘I recall that one night I was so occupied with calling down blessings on the Holy Prophet(saw) that my heart and soul became fragrant therewith. The same night I saw in my dream that people were carrying into my house water-skins filled with divine light in the form of water and one of them said: These are the blessings which you had sent to Muhammad(saw)’ (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.1, p.576)
In addition to his own example, the Promised Messiah(as) would always encourage his followers to send salutations upon the Holy Prophet(saw). Whenever someone would ask him for a spiritual exercise he would always say, seek forgiveness from Allah (Istighfar) and send salutations upon the Holy Prophet(saw) (Durud Sharif), abundantly. There is no greater spiritual exercise than this. At times he would say that the offering of the compulsory prayers or Salat and Durud Sharif is the greatest spiritual exercise. On one occasion someone inquired, how much Durud Sharif should one recite, and the Promised Messiah(as) responded, “One should recite it until ones tongue becomes fully satiated”. (Siratul Mahdi, vol.4, p.156).
The significance of Durud Sharif can be understood that among the conditions of Bai’at, or initiation into the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, the third condition from among the ten conditions, as set by the Promised Messiah(as), is to send abundant salutations upon the Holy Prophet(saw), and remain consistent in doing so.
Salutations upon the Holy Prophet(saw) and mention of him can be found in abundance throughout the writings, poetry and sayings of the Promised Messiah(as). No lover has ever made mention of his beloved to such an extent, as the Promised Messiah(as) has done to his beloved master, the Holy Prophet(saw).
Indignation in Love of the Holy Prophet(saw)
Indignation and love are two intertwined things. It is impossible for a true lover to hear anything against his beloved.
Hadhrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfani(ra) narrates that; “when I went to England in 1925, I desired to meet Reverend Wight, because this priest had remained a missionary in Batala, and had also met the Promised Messiah(as) many times as well”. During their discussions he said:
“I noticed one thing about Mirza Sahib, which I did not like. Whenever an allegation was raised against Prophet Muhammad(saw), he would become upset and his face would change.”
Upon hearing this, Mr Irfani made such a beautiful remark. He said, “O Reverend! The thing that you dislike, my life remains dedicated to it alone.” (Hayat-e-Ahmad, vol.1, part 3, p.22)
There is another narration of Hadhrat Mirza Sultan Ahmad(ra), one of the son’s of the Promised Messiah(as), who did not accept Ahmadiyyat in the life of the Promised Messiah(as); (he accepted Ahmadiyyat during the time of the second Khilafat). He presents a summary of his experiences at home in the following words:
‘One thing which I especially saw in my father, that is, the Promised Messiah(as), was that he could not bear to listen to even the smallest thing against the Holy Prophet(saw). If someone were to say anything against the lofty status of the Holy Prophet(saw), my father’s face would turn red, and his eyes would begin to change in anger, and he would immediately leave such a gathering. My father truly loved the Holy Prophet(saw). I have never seen such love in any other man.’ (Sirat-e-Tayyibah, p.34, by Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra))
The Promised Messiah(as) was by nature very soft and kind, but he could not bear to hear a single word against his holy master. Referring to the ill words of the Christians against the Holy Prophet(saw), he said:
‘The hurtful words which these opponents have used against the best of creation, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has injured my heart. I swear by God that if all my children, and the children of my children, all of my friends, and all of my helpers were murdered before my eyes, and my hands and feet were cut off, and if my eyes were taken out, and if I was deprived of all my ambitions, and were to have lost all my happiness and comforts, in comparison to all these things, that grief is far greater to me when such filthy attacks are made against the pure person of the Holy Prophet(saw)’ (Translation from Arabic of Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.5, p.15)
Many faith-inspiring incidents can be found from the life of the Promised Messiah(as).Once during a journey the Promised Messiah(as) was waiting at Lahore station. Time for ‘Asr (mid-afternoon) Prayer came, and the Promised Messiah(as) was engaged in performing his ablution in a nearby mosque. The famous Arya Leader Pandit Lekhram, discovered the Promised Messiah’s presence there, and ran towards him. He held his hands together as Hindus are accustomed to when greeting someone, and he greeted the Promised Messiah(as). The Promised Messiah(as) raised his glance towards him very briefly, and without giving him much attention continued with his ablutions. Upon this, Pandit Lekhram approached the Promised Messiah(as) from the other side, and conveyed his greetings once more, but the Promised Messiah(as) remained silent. When the Pandit became disappointed and left, a Companion respectfully asked the Promised Messiah(as) that Pandit Lekhram had come and greeted him. Upon this the Promised Messiah(as) the true lover of the Holy Prophet (saw), responded, “He abuses our master [i.e. the Holy Prophet(saw)] and wishes to greet us?” (Seerat Masih-e-Mau’ud, vol.2, p.271)
On one occasion, the Aryas held a congregation in Lahore, and promised that no ill words would be used against the Holy Prophet(saw), and they also invited the Promised Messiah(as) to present a speech. Consequently, the Promised Messiah(as) wrote an address and sent Hadhrat Maulawi Nur-ud-Din(ra) (who would later become the first Khalifa after the demise of the Promised Messiah(as)) with a delegation of other Companions, to attend the Jalsa (annual convention). But forgetting their promise, the Aryas verbally abused the Holy Prophet(saw) during the gathering. When Hadhrat Maulawi Nur-Ud-Din(ra) returned with the delegation and presented the report to the Promised Messiah(as), despite the fact that Hadhrat Maulawi Nur-Ud-Din(ra) was especially dear to the Promised Messiah(as), he felt very upset. The Promised Messiah(as) asked him, how he could have remained seated in such a congre-gation in which their beloved master was slandered? He continued; “Why did you not leave? How did your exasperation allow you to listen to such filthy words against our beloved master? You remained silent and listened to everything?” This clearly shows the depths of love which the Promised Messiah(as) possessed for his beloved master.
Good treatment of relatives is a fundamental of Islam. The Promised Messiah(as) followed this teaching with great attention. But whenever something was said against the Holy Prophet(saw), the indignation of the Promised Messiah(as) would not allow him to bear this.
On one occasion, the wife of the Promised Messiah(as)’s uncle Mirza Ghulam Haidar, uttered some words which were not appropriate in relation to the grand status of the Holy Prophet(saw). Despite feelings of respect and family ties, this grieved the Promised Messiah(as) to such an extent that he stopped eating, and stood up and left. After this incident he never ate there again.
In 1893, the Christians had a debate with the Promised Messiah(as) in Amritsar, called Jang-e-Muqaddas, or the Holy War. Dr Henry Martin Clark invited the Promised Messiah(as) to tea along with some other guests. The Promised Messiah(as) rejected this invitation, on the basis that these people disrespected his holy master, and considered him to be a liar, God forbid, and yet they invited him to tea? His resentment did not permit him to sit with such people, unless it was for the purpose of rebutting their false ideologies.
Obedience to his master at every step
The love of the Promised Messiah(as) for the Holy Prophet(saw) can be ascertained by the fact that immeasurable love and obedience sparkled in his every movement and action. Once, the Promised Messiah(as) had gone to Gurdaspur for a court hearing. It was the summer season. With the Promised Messiah(as)’s comfort in mind, his followers arranged for his bed on the roof of the house he was staying, to allow for a cool air flow. When the Promised Messiah(as) came up and noticed that there was no wall around the perimeter of the roof, the Promised Messiah(as) said to his followers that did they not know, that their beloved master had taught men not to sleep on a roof without a wall? Thus, the Promised Messiah(as) did not sleep there. Instead he slept downstairs in a closed room, despite the immense heat. (Seerat Tayyibah, p.109)
A Companion of the Promised Messiah(as) named Mirza Din Muhammad(ra), narrates that it was a custom of the Promised Messiah(as) to dip his fingers into water, and slightly spray his face with drops of water. When he asked as to why the Promised Messiah(as) did not just call out to him in order to wake him up, this true lover responded, because this was the custom of his Master, the Holy Prophet(saw). (Siratul Mahdi, vol.3, p.20)
On another occasion, the Promised Messiah(as) was sitting in a room and there were other guests seated with the Promised Messiah(as) as well. Someone knocked at the door, and one of the guests stood up to open the door, but the Promised Messiah(as) quickly sprung up and said to that guest:
“Wait, wait! I will open the door myself. You are my guest, and the Holy Prophet(saw) has said that a guest must be honoured.” (Sirat-e-Tayyibah, p.110)
During his entire life the Promised Messiah(as) very closely followed the model of the Holy Prophet(saw) , and would encourage his Companions to do the same. It is mentioned in a narration that the Promised Messiah(as) advised:
‘Men should help their wives in doing the household chores. This is a good deed. The Holy Prophet(saw) would help his wives in doing the household chores.’ (Siratul Mahdi, vol.5, p.318)
This beautiful narration shows how the Promised Messiah(as) possessed true heart-felt love for the Holy Prophet(saw). The thought of his master forever remained in his heart and mind, and so did quoting the example of the Holy Prophet(saw) , whenever doing a good deed.
Expression of Immense Love
The love of the Holy Prophet(saw) which the Promised Messiah(as) had embedded in his heart, was a living testimony to his immense love and devotion.
One day the Promised Messiah(as) was feeling unwell and was lying down on his bed. The Promised Messiah(as)’s wife, Hadhrat Amma Jaan(ra) and her father, the late Mir Nasir Nawwab were sitting in the house talking to one another. When the topic of Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah) came up, Hadhrat Mir Nawwab said, “these days the journey for Hajj has become very easy, people should go to Hajj”. The Promised Messiah(as) was listening to this discussion. The Promised Messiah(as) began to think of the Ka’bah (i.e. the House of God in Makkah – a cube shaped building), and the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw) (in Madinah). Due to his immense love his eyes began to flow with tears. The Promised Messiah(as)’s extreme desire to perform Hajj revealed itself and as tears flowed from his heart he would wipe them He addressed Hadhrat Mir Nawwab and said only:
“This is true and it is our heart-felt desire as well, but I think to myself, will I ever be able to see the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw)?”
Such instances which occurred in privacy are indeed a testimony to the truth of the Promised Messiah’s deep and genuine love. He never feigned or boasted of this love. One very unique instance in particular demonstrates the love of the Holy Prophet(saw) felt by the Promised Messiah(as):
Hadhrat Maulawi Abdul Karim of Sialkot narrates that one afternoon he entered the Mubarak Mosque, and noticed that the Promised Messiah(as) was strolling back and forth alone. He was quietly humming the poetic couplet of Hassan bin Thabit(ra), which he had written upon the demise of the Holy Prophet(saw):
‘O my beloved! You were the pupil of my eye. Today, with your demise, my eye has gone blind. Now, after you anyone may die, I care not, I only feared your demise.’
The narrator relates that the Promised Messiah(as) was cut off from the world and everything around, and was in his own emotional state. When he heard his footsteps, he raised the hand in which he was holding his handkerchief, and it was then that Hadhrat Abdul Karim noticed that tears were flowing from his eyes.
In another narration it is mentioned that the Promised Messiah(as) responded, “I was reciting this couplet of Hassan bin Thabit(ra), and this desire came to my heart, that, O! if only this couplet had come from my tongue”. (Siratul Mahdi, vol.2, p.22)
Contemplate the fact that when someone feels grief upon the death of a loved one, time serves as a healer. But look at the state of this sincere lover. Thirteen centuries had passed since the demise of his beloved. In seclusion he was reminded of the demise of his beloved, and the ocean of his emotions began to flow forth. The poetic compilations of the Promised Messiah(as) are unparalleled in their own right. But upon reading this poetic verse full of anguish, written by a companion of the Holy Prophet(saw), the Promised Messiah felt as if this was the voice of his own heart. Thus, he instinctively expressed the wish that he had composed the couplet himself.
Admission of Others
In Arabic it is said that true superiority is that to which even enemies testify. As such, the magnificent love of the Promised Messiah(as) was such that even the most bitter enemies of Ahmadiyyat, were compelled to accept that the love of the Promised Messiah(as) for his master was like no other. This testimony manifested itself in such a way that these very enemies would use the poetry of the Promised Messiah(as) in their speeches and writings, but due to a lack of moral courage, they would not quote the Promised Messiah(as)’s name. Some people were so greatly dishonest, that they would falsely publish the deep and spiritually insightful works of the Promised Messiah(as) under their own name, or some other.
The list of these plagiarists is lengthy. However, all these examples clearly prove that even enemies were forced to submit to the magnificent and great works in praise of the Holy Prophet(saw), written by this true lover, the Promised Messiah(as).
Everything I have belongs to my master
Another expression of a true lover is that in relation to his beloved, he considers himself to be nothing at all. He believes his beloved to be the source of every quality and considers himself to be completely subordinate to him in every way.
Allah the Almighty granted the Promised Messiah(as) high stations of special nearness to Himself. He selected the Promised Messiah(as) as a rejuvenator of faith. He granted him the lofty station of the Promised Messiah and the Imam Mahdi. Allah expressed his immense love for him in his revelations to him, but short-sighted opponents of his do not pay attention to this fact. Has anyone ever seen such immense affection that a person erases his being completely and attributes every honour and respect of his, to be the fruits of his subordination to his beloved master(saw)? The Promised Messiah(as) states:
“I swear upon His name (i.e., God), that he has granted me the honor of communion. But I have received this grace, merely due to my following the Holy Prophet(saw). Were I not from the Ummah (Muslim community), and did not follow him, even if my deeds were equivalent to all the mountains of the world, even then I would not have been blessed with this Divine communion.”
With regards to his master and leader, the Promised Messiah(as) states:
‘I am but a sacrifice for his life, I have become his alone;
It is he who is everything, what am I, this is the decisive fact.’
The Promised Messiah(as) states:
‘It was impossible for me to attain this blessing, if I were not one to follow the ways of my leader and master, the pride of the Prophets, the best of creation, Muhammad(saw), the chosen one, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. As such, whatever status I have attained, I have attained through following him.’ (Haqeeqatul Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.22, p.62)
Speaking of the innumerable divine blessings upon him, the Promised Messiah(as) states:
‘Whatever blessings of Allah there are upon us, these are all due to the grace of the Holy Prophet(saw). If we were to break apart from the Holy Prophet(saw), I truly say, that we would equate to nothing, not even dust.’ (Al-Hakam, 18 May 1908, p.4)
This is the lofty status of true love, devotion and obedience to the Holy Prophet(saw), which the Promised Messiah(as) was granted by Allah the Almighty.
It is worth remembering that whatever the Holy Prophet(saw) received, was directly from God the Almighty. Whatever the Promised Messiah(as) received in status and divine blessings was due to his true and sincere, unparalleled and complete obedience to his master, the Holy Prophet(saw). It is for this reason that one received the title of being the master and perfect teacher(saw) and the other due to his obedience to his master, attained the office of Promised Messiah(as). How beautifully has the Promised Messiah(as) stated:
‘The magnificence of Ahmad(saw) (i.e. the Holy Prophet) is greater than can be fathomed;
Whose humble servant, is the Messiah of the Age.’
The establishment of a community that loves the Holy Prophet(saw)
The love the Promised Messiah(as) held for the Holy Prophet was not only confined to his own life. Rather, this love continued even after his demise. His writings live on, so too does his model behaviour. After his demise, he has left behind a devoted community which under the shadow of Khilafat is satiated with the love of the Holy Prophet(saw). This community is known as the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.
Today, by the grace of Allah, an endless ocean of love exists in the hearts of all Ahmadis. All this is the grace of Allah and his blessings. The lantern of the love of Muhammad(saw) is such a magnificent one, that today its light shines in the heart of every Ahmadi Muslim, and from this lantern many other lanterns have also become lit.
A Christian in Africa in his ignorance would say ill words against the Holy Prophet(saw). After he joined the Community, he would fall asleep sending salutations upon the Holy Prophet(saw), with that very same tongue every night. Today, the number of these true servants of Muhammad(saw) are countless. The establishment of a community of such followers who are satiated in the love of the Holy Prophet(saw) is a shining testimony to the immense love of the Promised Messiah(as) for the Holy Prophet(saw) .
This is the true meaning of the ever-lasting grace of Khatam-e-Nubuwwat (Seal of Prophethood), which granted the Ahmadiyya Muslim community sweet fruits in the person of the Promised Messiah(as). Thus, ‘we too’ were granted this non-diminishing love of the Holy Prophet(saw) through his true lover, the Promised Messiah(as). It is this light which shines in the hearts of Ahmadis and shall continue to shine until the end of time. We shall never allow for this love of the Holy Prophet(saw) to diminish.
It was only two months ago that opponents of Islam Ahmadiyyat barbarically attacked two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore, and spilled the sacred blood of innocent and devoted Ahmadis. In the house of God, during the Friday Prayer Service, defenseless worshippers were attacked. The enemy thought that through this barbarism and terrorism, they would be able to cause the lovers of the Holy Prophet(saw) to falter from this station of love.
But these ignorant people knew not that this Community has taken a firm oath to sacrifice everything for the greatness and name of the Holy Prophet(saw). Look at how these loyal martyrs have left behind a story of true loyalty and love, written by their blood. These are those people who fulfilled their oath of allegiance and became shining stars in the sky of Ahmadiyyat. Through their persons they have as it were, created a lovely galaxy of the love of the Holy Prophet(saw) ,which shall forever remind us of their sacrifice. These are those people, who even in their dying moments, did not forget the Kalimah (Muslim creed) and Durud (invoking salutations upon the Holy Prophet(saw)). Reciting Durud themselves, and encouraging others to do the same, they confronted death straight in the eye, they presented the offering of their lives before Allah the Almighty. Attaining the status of martyrdom, they became the inheritors of an ever-lasting life. They attained the purpose of their lives, and by the grace of Allah, every other Ahmadi firmly stands upon their unwavering resolve, that we shall not step away from this path of truth and sincerity, because our hearts are full of the love of the Holy Prophet(saw).
O cruel ones! You may do what you wish! You may afflict whatever torment pleases you upon us, but remember you will never be able to push us away from the Seal of Prophets(saw), and our love for him.
By the grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been created from the seed of the love of Muhammad(saw). This is our life. We are living by this. Our death shall also be upon this. Even at the time of our deaths, every tongue of every Ahmadi shall call out the slogans of this very love.
In conclusion the words of the greatest lover of the Holy Prophet(saw), the Promised Messiah(as) said:
‘There is no messenger or intercessor for the whole of mankind, except Muhammad Mustafa(saw). Endeavour therefore, to develop true love for that awe-inspiring Prophet(saw), and do not give precedence to anyone over him, so that you may be written among those whom attain salvation in the heavens.’(Kishti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.19, p.16)
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Thank you it helped me for my speech