Muharram (the first Islamic month) marks both victories and devastating events that left an indelible mark on Islamic history.
Historical Figures
What's the special link between the Imam Mahdi and lunar and solar eclipses taking place in the blessed month of Ramadan?
Imam Marwan and the delegation speaking to His Holiness Pope Francis in his office. Marwan Gill, Buenos Aires, Argentina Ever since I arrived as a an Imam of...
A history of Captain Montagu William Douglas touching on his noble character and lifetime achievements.
Mainlake | Shutterstock The Holy Prophet’s (sa) Social Life The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) was full of kindness and compassion when dealing with his...
HAZRAT MIRZA MASROOR AHMAD(ABA), WORLDWIDE HEAD OF THE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY Islam has often been accused of being a threat to Western culture and...
Published for the first time in English, Hazrat Mirza Bashirrudin Mahmud Ahmad(ra) offers a truly unique and spectacular insight in his remarkable treatise...
The martyrdom of Imam Hussain(ra) was one of the most tragic incidents in Islamic History | Translated by Shehzad Ahmad – UK In the...
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) elaborates on the true status of the Messiah of the latter days in light of the revelations vouchsafed to him.
Featuring a tribute to the former Chief Editor of The Review of Religions, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who passed away at the age of 78.
The tragic martydom of the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa during the month of Muharram
Rebutting the bogus allegation that the Promised Messiah(as) insulted the Holy Prophet(saw), and considered himself greater – this article examines the...
HAZRAT SETH ABDULLAH ALLADIN (All Muhammad Alladin, M.A. Edin) My father Hazrat Seth Abdullah Alladin was one of those servants of Allah whose personality went...
Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan — An Appreciation (Aftab Ahmad Khan) It is Impossible to present in a short space even a snapshot account of the life and...