© Shutterstock We have ordained death for all of you; and We cannot be prevented; from bringing in your place others like you...
Tag - Life after Death
@shutterstock Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi The Promised Messiah (as) wrote over 80 books in Arabic, Urdu, and...
His Holiness (aba) provides guidance on various topics, such as raising children, sending salutations upon the Holy Prophet (sa), the afterlife, and more.
Is there any scientific evidence for the existence of soul? This article aims to look at the concept of soul from a scientific perspective.
Looking at the age old question, what happens when to us when we die? A comparative study of religions on the symbiosis of the body and soul.
Fazal Ahmad, London, UK The El dia de los muertos (Day of the Dead) is celebrated by people across Mexico, and has been confused as a Halloween celebration. So...
What happens when we die? The soul, relationship with the grave, heaven and hell and whether communication is possible with the deceased are all explained.
The Fifth Question - What are the main sources of Divine knowledge, and how can one attain comprehension of the existence of God?
The answer to the Fourth Question asked at the Conference of Great Religions pertaining to the Laws of this world and the Hereafter.
Will we still have physical bodies in the hereafter? If not, what form will every one take in the next world?
Continuing the serialisation of the acclaimed and profound essay based solely on the Holy Qur’an. This section looks at the Second Question posed at the...
Expounding the beauty of Qur’anic wisdom as a guidance for the righteous.
Islam is unique among the major faiths in its explanation of hell as a place of remediation for all rather than eternal damnation. (From The Review of...
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V draws attention to the importance of both progressing spiritually and doing good works: we should always be inclined towards...
Some of the unique features of Islam ranging from the unity of God, prophethood, the Holy Qur’an, rights of women and life after death that attracted the...
Addresses the question on why innocent people suffer and whether one can benefit from such trials.
Acts of goodness carried out with sincerity and true obedience to God purifies the soul and protects one from not only the afterlife but enables one to enjoy...
Spiritualism is a material world; life after death; is animal slaughter cruel; and idealising pop-stars.
Is there room for a theocratic state; have more people been killed by religion?; why do we need prophets?
Answers to a wide range of questions from fanatacism, idols, witchcraft, the black stone in Mecca to life after death.
Our feature length article looks at the remarkable way Holy Qur’an deals with the scenario of continuous evolution on earth, resulting in the creation of a...
Some issues concerning heaven and hell, life after death and re-incarnation are answered.
38 CONTACT WITH DEPARTED SOULS (Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad) The Holy Quran says concerning the origin of the soul: Verily, We created man from an extract of...
23 COMMON SENSE ABOUT REINCARNATION (Ibrahim Lomholt) The idea that the soul after death returns to this world in a new body is an ancient one which is gaining...
Everlasting Life
Life after Death (Muhammad Zafrulla Khan) Life after death is a subject on which sure knowledge can be gained only through revelation. The Prophet has said:...
Dead Recall This Life (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) Life on this planet is as evanescent as a dream; but just as the experiences in the nocturnal world are later...