The Review of Religions features the second part of our interview with Carla Power as she discusses her book, an exploration of Islam through the eyes of a non...
Tag - NPI – Aisha
Author of If the Oceans were Ink sits down to speak to The Review of Religions. By Ayesha Mahmood Malik Carla Power exudes a radiant vibrancy personifying a...
Attitudes towards His Wives He was extremely kind and fair towards his wives. If on occasion any one of them failed to comport herself with due deference...
Marriage of Hazrat ‘A’ishahra and an exposition of her age at the time, the issue of polygamy and two fabricated incidents.
Part 2 from the Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets, explaining one of the most
contentious issues of our times.
The relationship of deep love and affection between 'A'ishah (ra) and Muhammad (sa)
An unfortunate incident is analysed, which proved to be an extremely stern trial for 'A'ishah (ra)
Part 1 on the life of Hazrat 'A'ishah (ra), who is said to have taught half the faith of Islam through her narrations of the Holy Prophet (sa)
The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets Volume II, Chapter VI
NEW AND EXCLUSIVE - Brand new English translation of Volume II of the epic Biography of the Holy Founder of Islam, Muhammad(saw), which will be serialised in...
The Holy Prophet(saw)’s marriage to Hadhrat Sauda(ra) and Hadhrat ‘A’ishah(ra) examined.
To what extent does Islam permit freedom of expression and freedom of speech?
A glance at the affectionate and loving relationship that existed between Hadhrat ‘A’ishah(ra) and her husband,the Prophet of Islam(saw).
This article examines the Islamic penal system and how ‘harsh’ punishments are only meant as a deterrent.
This article analyses conflicting reports surrounding Hadhrat ‘A'ishah’s age at the time of her marriage to the Holy Prophet(saw).
An insight into the unshakeable and all-consuming love that the Holy Prophet(saw) had for Allah.
Defending Islam in the West.
A critical review of a novel allegedly based on the history of the life of Hadhrat ‘A'ishah(ra).
The close bond between Hadhrat 'Ali (ra) and the Holy Prophet (saw) and how this contributed to his unique knowledge of the Qur'an and Hadith. Also an analysis...
Account of the life of the first Caliph of Islam, who was closest in example to the teachings of the Qur'an after the Holy Prophet (saw) himself. His practical...
Was the order of the chapters of the Holy Qur'an arbitrary and is our current order of chapters the same as the original? (From The Review of Religions, 1907).
Arguments showing that the whole of the Holy Qur’an was committed to memory by the followers of the Holy Prophet (saw) in his lifetime.
The kind and equal treatment of the Holy Prophet(sa) to his wives sets an excellent example for all married couples.
How were Hadith collected