The Review of Religions features the second part of our interview with Carla Power as she discusses her book, an exploration of Islam through the eyes of a non...
Tag - NPI – Khadija
Attitudes towards His Wives He was extremely kind and fair towards his wives. If on occasion any one of them failed to comport herself with due deference...
The life sketch of the Holy Prophet's (sa) second wife. We continue our series on the wives of the Prophet (sa).
Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kubra(ra) – The First of the Muslims
The Holy Prophet(saw) had to endure the loss of his wife Hadhrat Khadijah(ra) and then his Uncle Abu Talib, in quick succession. Also featuring the...
The Holy Prophet(saw)’s marriage to Hadhrat Sauda(ra) and Hadhrat ‘A’ishah(ra) examined.
The encounter between the Angel Gabriel and the Holy Prophet(saw) at the cave Hira when he was first informed of his divine mission, and the acceptance of the...
The story of Zaid, the Prophet(saw)’s slave who became like a son to him, and the Prophet(saw)’s retreat to the Cave Hira where his prophethood began.
The Prophet’s first marriage, to Khadijah(ra), and his key role in the reconstruction of the Ka‘bah.
An insight into the unshakeable and all-consuming love that the Holy Prophet(saw) had for Allah.
The kind and equal treatment of the Holy Prophet(sa) to his wives sets an excellent example for all married couples.
JANUARY 1985 BOOK REVIEW 43 BOOK REVIEW An English Translation of the Meaning of the Quran Publisher: Dar Al-Choura, Beirut, Lebanon Introducing this new...