A study of the Biblical evidence regarding the period expected for the appearance of the Promised Messiah of the latter days.
Tag - Prophecies (by the Bible)
A concise review of Biblical prophecies regarding the advent of a great prophet which could only be attributed to the Holy Prophet of Islam(sa).
Continuing the look at the biblical prophecy about Prophet Muhammad(sa).
Review of Religions: December 200152 A number of spiritual teachers have prophecied about the advent of a Mahdi or Messiah (Divine Reformer) in the latter days...
11 PROPHECIES ABOUT MIDDLE EAST (Fazl Ilahi Anwari) PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE The book of Ezekiel in the Bible gives a graphic picture of the political...
80 YEARS AGO DIVINE ORIGIN OF THE HOLY QURAN (The following is an extractfrom the August’issue of the Review of Religions, 1910) If we return to the...
20 THE CASE OF THE MISSING MESSIAH (Masood A. Khan) Not being a writer, I find it very difficult to put this down on paper. Even how to start this subject is a...
7 REPLY TO THE REVEREND BARAKATULLAH (The following appeared in the 1988 May issue of the Ansarullah Magazine and is a translation from the original Urdu). The...
) • , .. 1 ,. The Counsellor (Dr. A. R. Bhutta) Chapters 14, 15, and 16 of the Gospel of John deal with the prophecy of Jesus Christ about the advent of a...
Evidence from the Gospels