Alas, day three has come to an end!
We have sat before beloved Huzoor, we have met our friends and families, we have been provided with sustenance from the langar of the Promised Messiah (as), we have served our guests, read our prayers and completed this incredible journey. We cried some happy, passionate tears at seeing our beloved Caliph, and smiled at the blessings God almighty has bestowed upon us over the three days. How could one look at Jalsa Salana UK and not be moved?
For now, we can’t comprehend that it has already come to an end this year, but we leave Hadeeqatul Mahdi spiritually recharged, revitalised and InshAllah reformed. We will go home to our children, younger siblings, elderly relatives or others who were not able to attend and tell them all about our experience at this unique Jalsa, and they will share with us the unique way they experienced Jalsa in their homes. Come rain, come shine, Ahmadi brothers and sisters have shown that they will always and forever be of service to the true Jama’at of Allah the Almighty, in true essence of their pledge.
The cherry on top of this exhilarating experience was the concluding address delivered by His Holiness (aba). May Allah the Almighty enable all the members of the community to experience Jalsa Salana UK next year, InshAllah.

And just like that, we are at the concluding session of Jalsa Salana U.K. Sitting at the back of the Lajna Marquee, trying to savour this moment. The sun is beaming through the marquee doors. It’s cold but the hearts are warm. Huzoor (aba) started his address by stating that he will speak on the rights of people – a continuation of his concluding address from Jalsa 2019. It’s as though we never left.

After drinking some hot tea, one can wonder into the tuck shop for some sweet or savoury delights. A Cornetto and many sweets were purchased. Now that the cravings have subsided, it’s time to head back to the main marquee for the concluding session.

Break time! After lunch, there was time to finally pay a visit to the bookstall – what an amazing selection of books! Something for everyone. It was particularly nice seeing so many new books aimed at children. One that particularly caught my attention was a Jalsa Explorers Activity Book for kids which mothers have been purchasing for their children to learn about Jalsa at home! Take a look at today’s bookshop haul.

As everyone makes their way for lunch, the team in charge of serving water hang back to remove any opened bottles around the chairs. Keeping the guests and site safe under Covid guidelines is a priority this year.

Sitting in the main marquee and looking at the time. Normally, we would be anticipating the arrival of Hazoor (aba) for the International Bai’at Ceremony. There are no words to describe the feeling of reaffirming your allegiance to the Imam of the Time. By far, for many it is the highlight of their Jalsa. A poignant documentary is being aired about Bai’at during this time. A beautiful insight for sure. Missing the real thing!

Today, plastic sheets have been used over a small part of the carpet in the main marquee as the substantial downpour has caused water to sneak in.

You might have heard that due to the gloomy sky, Country Market (a close-by farm and retail centre) is being used as a car park as well as a small number of cars now going to the Hadeeqatul Mahdi site. After Khuddam pushed around 70 cars trapped in the mud on Friday evening, the members are now using the bus service to travel to Hadeeqatul Mahdi.
The busses were spotless, despite the thick mud adorning everyone’s wellies. Rain pattered down on the windows, and some lajna were playing the Jalsa addresses on their phones. I realised it’s little shaded moments like these with passengers that really makes it jalsa.
The initial checks to get on the busses remain the same, temperature check, Covid vaccine history check and lateral flow test. After that it’s a short journey surrounded by many different faces! Now to start the busy third day.
Now we get ready for day three.
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