An exposition on the philosophy and importance of fasting in the month of Ramahan.
Study into the philosophy behind the pillars of Islam and their real significance.
Answers to questions in Nigeria related to the enforcement of Sharia Law and its perceived harsh nature.
Based on a speech given in Germany in 1989.
Hardships and the attainment of spiritual progression.
Questions relating to the interpretation of sharia.
A brief introduction to Ahmadiyat.
A brief look and comparison at the religious aspects concerning fasting of the major religions.
A keynote address to prevent crashing aeroplanes and sending suicide bombers.
On religious extremism.
Review of Religions: December 20015 The author had the opportunity to review the history of Islamic medicine and was so fascinated that she compiled this...
Review of Religions: December 2001 23 What is sidedness, what significance does it possess if any and why sidedness at all, are the questions to which we shall...
Review of Religions: Oct/Nov 200132 O ye who believe! Fasting is p rescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become...
Review of Religions: Oct/Nov 200144 Prepare now to undertake a journey upon the wings of scientific vision into the ancient past to explore the nature and...
Review of Religions: September 200124 Faith is unyielding conviction. It is the absence of fear and doubts. In its purest form there is no deterrence or...