Review of Religions: December 20015 The author had the opportunity to review the history of Islamic medicine and was so fascinated that she compiled this...
Review of Religions: December 2001 23 What is sidedness, what significance does it possess if any and why sidedness at all, are the questions to which we shall...
Review of Religions: Oct/Nov 200132 O ye who believe! Fasting is p rescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become...
Review of Religions: Oct/Nov 200144 Prepare now to undertake a journey upon the wings of scientific vision into the ancient past to explore the nature and...
Review of Religions: September 200124 Faith is unyielding conviction. It is the absence of fear and doubts. In its purest form there is no deterrence or...
Review of Religions: September 2001 31 Questioner: Is Islam the only way to please God? Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad: No, not according to the Holy Qur’an...
Review of Religions: September 2001 35 The third Caliph of Islam was the pious Uthman ibn Aflan(ra) who was elected by a select committee of Companions of the...
Review of Religions: September 200146 An observatory is a structure built for the purpose of astronomical observation. Observations date back to many of the...
a brief introductory chapter