24 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS FEBRUARY 1985 GLIMPSES INTO THE LIFE OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH By Syed Hasanat Ahmad The single most historic event of modern history...
Religious Concepts
JANUARY 1985 THE EXISTENCE OF GOD THE EXISTENCE OF GOD By Mostafa Sabet (Mr. Mostafa Sabet, a prominent Ahmadi from Egypt, has been a resident of Canada for...
FROM OUR ARCHIVES We are introducing a new feature in the Review of Religions under the above Caption. This is not an innovation nor a practice which could...
34 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS search of the lost tribes of Israel). THE ISHMAELITES With the conquest of the land by the Muslims and the erection of the Aqsa...
Proof of the Revelations of Bab and Bahaulla
The Claims of Bahaulla
Fulfillment of a Grand Prophecy