The responsibilities that come with constructing a mosque and why it should not be exclusive to any faith.
Tag - Prayer – Worship
The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) states that worship should be carried out from the heart and not as a mere formality.
Here the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) gives a deeper explanation of the purpose of fasting.
Obedience means to follow in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (sa). Then behold how Allah Almighty showers His blessings. The companions of the Holy Prophet...
Introducing the vibrant town of Florstadt and how a new dimension has been added to its rich culture in the form of a mosque.
On 11th September 2022, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad...
True worshippers know well that a concept of these two matters is essential for prayer: first, that God Almighty has the power to foster and to develop and to...
@shutterstock Hazrat Auf bin Malik Ashja‘i (ra) relates that one night he had the opportunity of spending the night praying with the Holy Prophet Muhammad...
God Almighty has taught such an excellent method of prayer in the Surah al-Fatihah than which nothing better is possible and which comprises all...
To think that seeking help from God is sometimes without result and wondering that the Rahmaniyyah and Rahimiyyah of God do not manifest...
The third part in a quest for answering questions regarding God, His worship, and why it has been made obligatory for man
@shutterstock Location: Java, Indonesia Belief: Buddhism Era: 9th Century Borobudur Temple lies in central Java in Indonesia, and dates from the...
Blessed are the prisoners who supplicate and do not get tired for they shall one day be released; blessed are the blind ones who persevere in their prayers for...
It is my frequent experience that God is so Benevolent and Merciful that when in His Wisdom He does not accept a prayer, He accepts some other prayer in place...
Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) about giving precedence to God over all other desires.
In the sight of Allah the Exalted, a saint and a man of blessings is one who develops such passion. God desires for His glory to be manifested. In the prayer...
@Shutterstock The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) was always eager to praise Allah. Despite his own great capacity and ideal manner, if he heard anyone praising...
An excerpt from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) who states that one should remain humble and steadfast in their prayers
A personal account of how, when there seem to be no worldly means available, God provides in ways that are completely unexpected
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah, explains the best form of worship - to spread the message of the true Islam.
Prayer is very valuable and a person who is given to prayer succeeds in the end. However, it is foolishness and disrespectful that a person should seek to...
@shutterstock On receiving the good news the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) would immediately prostrate and offer a sajdah [prostrations] of...
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi The Promised Messiah (as) wrote over 80 books in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian. Excerpts of...
Shutterstock The Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (sa) salat was the embodiment of thankfulness to God. It started with, ‘All praise belongs to Allah,’ in the middle...
The word Ramadan means 'two burnings'. Thus, to achieve Ramadan, there are two flames that need to be kindled.
Sometimes it happens that a person supplicates for something, but his supplication is the result of his ignorance and stupidity. He desires something from God...
A brief history on one of the largest Islamic structures in the world, Bibi Khanum Mosque, located in Uzbekistan.
@Shutterstock In praise of the Prophet Noah (as), God says in the Holy Qur’an that he was indeed a grateful servant (17:4). In respect of Hazrat Ibrahim (as)...
Those people who trust in their own power and strength, and forsake God Almighty, do not meet with a good end. This does not mean that trust in God is to sit...
There is a proverb in Punjabi: ‘He who asks dies a death, so die and then ask.’ The meaning is that it is an afflicted one who prays and that...