The Islamic Holy month of Muharram is celebrated in diverse ways by Muslims. This article portrays the manner in which the Promised Messiah(as) and his...
Islamic History
When the initial schemes of the Quraish to try to hinder the progress of the Muslims failed, they intensified their persecution to unimaginable proportions.
The Quraish offered the Prophet Muhammad(saw) power, beautiful women and immense wealth in return for renouncing his faith. For the most Perfect Man, however...
After the Prophet Muhammad(saw), Hadhrat Umar(ra) was the second Khalifa of Islam. This is the story of his conversion. Also how Hadhrat Hamzah(ra), the...
An account of the horrific acts of violence and torture perpetrated by the Makkans upon the Muslims in the early days of Islam, and how the Muslims endured...
An account of the first centre for the propagation of Islam, and the opposition faced by the Holy Prophet(saw) at the hands of the Quraish.
Who were the first converts to Islam, what was the actual procedure of becoming a Muslim and what were the key beliefs held by those who accepted the message...
The encounter between the Angel Gabriel and the Holy Prophet(saw) at the cave Hira when he was first informed of his divine mission, and the acceptance of the...
Musaylimah’s claim to Prophethood.
The story of Zaid, the Prophet(saw)’s slave who became like a son to him, and the Prophet(saw)’s retreat to the Cave Hira where his prophethood began.
The Prophet’s first marriage, to Khadijah(ra), and his key role in the reconstruction of the Ka‘bah.
The importance of attaining knowledge in Islam, and the extraordinary contribution of Muslims in the field of science.
Remarkable incidents from the early life of the Holy Prophet(saw)
The merciless massacre of the grandson of the Holy Prophet(saw), Imam Hussain(ra), his family and companions in the fields of Karbala that led to the Shiite...
One of the most outstanding biographies on the Holy Prophet(saw), published here as a series for the first time.