Medical consultant: “...I’ve seen people like that die and die very quickly.” How one man beat all odds with the help of God.
Tag - ScMH – ‘Medicine and Health’
"...I was lucky enough to have skills which can be used to help and I was lucky enough to be able to get into Gaza..."
Palestinians from one special city saved countless lives around the world with their skill at weaving silk. They're now at risk of genocide.
As on all matters, theHoly Qur’an is also a guidebook when it comes to parenting, teach the best ways to nurture a child.
The Holy Qur’an is a book of guidance so comprehensive that it provides principles and moral guidance to encompass all modern developments.
Female Muslim molecular biologist Dr. Amnah Khan from the University of Malta makes groundbreaking discovery during research on bone cancer cells
An interview with Ophthalmologist, Dr Munazzah Chou, who studied medicine at Cambridge University, speaking to her about upbringing, career and family life.
Guidance from Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) on a wide array of topics; from advice to doctors, the spiritual status of women and the finality of prophethood.
As the world looks to biotech giants such as Pfizer and BioNTech, the history of innoculation and medicine depict the roots grown by Muslim scientists.
As the Covid-19 vaccine is prepared to be rolled out, this development serves as a solace for humanity, and is due to God's divine attribute as the Healer.
The Review of Religions rewinds 100 years and takes a look at key articles published in the print edition, starting with the August-September 1920 edition.
Dr Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, UK In a historic address, Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud, (ra), the second Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community encouraged...
©Pixabay Maleeha Qazi, PhD MD Candidate, University of Toronto, Canada In December 2019, the first cases of patients with pneumonia-like viral illness were...
Professor Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, UK The adverse medical and social consequences related to alcohol misuse are well-documented and well-understood. Alcohol is...
Alcohol harms people in many ways, but there is strong evidence to link any amount of alcohol use to increased risk of cancer.V_ctoria | Shutterstock Dr Amtul...
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aba) delivered an address at the concluding session of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association UK Annual...
By Syed Amer Safir Isolation is a pressing issue for the world today. 7.2% of European Union citizens (over 30 million people) were found to be socially...
It is estimated that 38% of men in the world have been circumcised. But is this practice a mere custom, or are there underlying benefits to this age old ritual?
In the past few years, Zika virus has become a public health threat. Originating from the yellow fever mosquito, the virus is particularly problematic because...
Exploring the effects of alcohol and why other attempts to prohibit it have failed.
We continue our newly launched series of ‘untold stories’ from around the world. Ebola Miracle When the Ebola virus disease broke out in West Africa, the...
Medical evidence indicates that Jesus(as) would have survived the crucifixion.
Continuing the serialisation of the acclaimed and profound essay based solely on the Holy Qur’an. This section looks at what is really meant by the ‘drinks’ of...
Providing solutions to global problems and issues.
A thorough investigation into the medical aspects of Jesus’ crucifixion ordeal and his state after the trial.
Despite the Global Health Treaty on the effects of tobacco use in the West being implemented in 2005, ‘developing countries’ are now becoming successful...
Islamic perspectives and testimonies on spiritual healing. God gave life and it is to Him Whom people should return at times of ill health.
Honey has many benefits and its healing qualities remain unmatched.
How a firm conviction in one’s faith, spiritual belief and trust in God is an important factor in controlling stress.
Spiritualism is a material world; life after death; is animal slaughter cruel; and idealising pop-stars.