Has a global pandemic inclined people to turn towards, or return to religion? Emerging research would suggest so.
Tag - Prayer
Feroz Hundal shares a story of the power of prayer and how Allah the Almighty listens to His supplicants and accepts their prayers.
The Promised Messiah (as)'s heartfelt prayers for the attendees of the Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention).
This short extract offers insight into the Holy Prophet's (sa) inspirational humility in prayer.
While visiting Palestine, an Imam shares, with the Sunni Muslims he meets, incidents of how God speaks to the Caliphs of Ahmadiyyat.
In light of the injustices occurring in Palestine, His Holiness (aba) reiterated words of the Promised Messiah (as) where he once stated to pray for those who...
His Holiness (aba) provides guidance on a variety of topics, from overcoming difficulties, understanding the Night of Decree and much more.
Writings by the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) about what prayer is.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said we must pay special attention towards our prayers in these days of Ramadan so we may be saved from the hellfire.
A chemical attack by Russian agents in a sleepy British town served as a reminder of the need for Allah's protection through prayers and good deeds.
Part I of 'Why Should We Worship God?' looks at the The Holy Qur'an to find that mankind is instructed to worship God for its own benefit.
His Holiness (aba) stated that the Promised Messiah (as) highlighted the power of prayer and some of the conditions for which a prayer is accepted and...
Basharat Taujoo of Mauritius shares her experiences of witnessing the presence of Allah the Almighty, through the prayers of the Caliph (aba).
His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) is a beaming beacon of Divine guidance and support. His Holiness (aba) represents the highest level of a...
The profound life of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK student, Mazhar Ahsan Ahmad, displays the proof of the Living God while remaining steadfast in trials.
In this excerpt, the Promised Messiah (as) explains the importance of patience and perseverance during prayer.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) explains the importance of perseverance and patience in prayers.
A personalised experience entailing how the true belief in God can result in miracles, and prayers that are answered in unimaginable ways.
Munavara Ghauri writes about the birth of her son which strengthened her faith and reinforced her conviction in a Compassionate and Benevolent Creator.
An exclusive interview with His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) regarding the existence of God, the acceptance of prayers, dreams, visions and much...
Eeman Almasri writes about her family's faith-inspiring journey from their original homeland, war-stricken Syria, to their new home in Canada.
An Ahmadi Missionary posted in Paraguay relied on the Power of God to help with a seemingly impossible request relating to residency in a new country.
The prayer duels mentioned in this article show the love and support Allah the Almighty gave to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (as).
©Shutterstock Reem Shraiky, UK I do not know why the idea of a Muslim woman not leading men in prayer disturbs some minds, as if it is the key to gender...
See how relying on prayer made the seemingly impossible into a reality
Read how the power of prayer helped clear up the sky
Read about the power of prayer and how it helped Zaki-ud-Din return home.
©Pixabay Anne-Marie Ionescu, UK Prayer forms one of the five fundamental pillars of Islam in which all practicing Muslims engage on a regular basis. It forms...
Sarmad Naveed interviews Jacob Poushter, Associate Director of Global Attitudes Research at the Pew Research Center, on 'The Global God Divide'.
The Promised Messiah (as) & Imam Mahdi (Guided One), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) Certain people are faced with a state of affairs where various factors...